Star Jones

Star Jones
Have you met Miss Jones?


Thank You!

A few years ago, Oprah and I had a very private conversation and she gave me some advice that I heard but didn't truly appreciate until this day.  She said:  "stand in the space that God has created for you...but stand in truth."   That is all anyone can do.  My friend Donnie McClurkin sings a song that I just adore called "STAND."  The words that move my spirit are..."after you've done all you can...You just stand."   So that's my plan. I'm operating in a place of happiness and joy in simply being able to breathe the air of life and nothing will move me from that place.  I plan to stand.  I wish to thank all of you for every good wish, every kind word and every prayer that I would find the strength and courage to just be ME.  I've now said everything that I wanted to say; and quite frankly when you say it to Miss don't need to say it to anyone else.

What happens next is up to me because I plan to move onward and upward and focus on the future; standing the place that God has created for me.  



  1. Birthdays are a GIFT from GOD!!!....And that GIFT can only come from GOD.....God did not bring you this far to leave you! STAND my sister and he will continue to lead YOU!!!

    Blessings ~~~CHESTER

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I hope it is okay to say that your spirit is free now, and you have freed me a little as well. I really cannot say how much you impacted me today. I dont have time to watch Oprah anymore, as a busy businesswoman, but I did today. I have now thought about it for hours. You really inspired me today Star...It blows me away it hit so close to home from the way you felt about yourself, to the way you stood tall and told your incredible journey.

    I dont usually write comments on blogs, but I wanted to say thank you. God Bless you, and know your friends out here appreciate you. Anyhow, thank you for always inspiring us, and encouraging us to STAND...
    aka Marla

  4. I had lap-band surgery in January ’08; to date I have lost 130 lbs. Having had bariatric surgery myself, I can definitely empathize with your feelings of failure, shame, and regret that you expressed on yesterday’s show. At the beginning of my weight loss journey I too felt like keeping my surgery a secret. I didn’t want people to know that my problems with food had gotten so bad that I needed surgery to save my life. The ironic thing is that people ALREADY knew about my problem…they saw it everyday has my waistline expanded, I complained of aches and pain, and as the extra room in my “too big” clothes began to get filled with more flesh!

    You are to be commended for your strength and courage to shout to the world that YES I had a weight problem, but I used the tool of weight loss surgery to get it under control. NO, it wasn’t the easy way out and YES, I still struggle to keep myself in check so that I will never end up being in that same situation again.

    Star, continue to fight the good fight of faith and continue to positively inspire the masses with your inspirational life!

  5. Wonderful job on Oprah yesterday, Ms. Jones. You have become likeable again, being very humble and honest about your physical and spiritual journey. I have to admit that your genuousness surprised me. You were my favourite on The View for the first few years, but you changed and it became hard to like you. I can`t get the Oprah interview out of my mind, you were so inspirational and I thank you for that. I love the `real`Star! God Bless you dear lady, I wish for you a life filled with wonderfulness :-)

  6. Wow. That was a powerful conversation on Oprah, and I was happy to meet this, vulnerable, and real. I'm so glad that everyone now has had a chance to get re-acquainted with you, and that you have had the opportunity to share you fears, and ultimately, your triumph! Sometimes just claiming the victory out loud makes it so--our good words and intentions have a tremendous influence on the universe. Lots of love and thanks for your courage and authenticity!


  7. You did a terrific interview Star. I don't think you owe any one an apology or even an are not the one that went on an attack.

    The ilk who attack others will never stop. The best thing is to cut those sorts out of your life and move forward. I mean who would care to impress those types or have them for friends anyway.

    You sound like you are in a very good place. Enjoy and I agree you need to stand and hold fast in your spot.

    Nice sunny day here which always brings joy to me.


  8. STAR!! I absolutely LOVED you on Oprah yesterday. You were so candid, so at peace. There was such a calmness about you. I was moved to tears a few times. I truly could see that you were bearing your soul. Soror, you make us all proud.

  9. Welcome to the blogosphere Star. we hope to see you this summer at Blogging While Brown in Chicago- June 19-20, 2009. You should come meet some bloggers who have been doing this for a while. We're not all bombastic, degrading and insulting. In fact, there are a lot of bloggers inspiring and encouraging people and using social media to engage and inform their audiences.

  10. Star! I am so glad to have found that you have a blog as I wanted to write to you. First of all I wanted to commend your courage on Oprah yesterday. You showed such strength in really baring your soul.

    I can totally relate to what you were talking about when you said you had no idea who you would be once you lost all the weight having been in the size 2 something's since you were 18. I have been overweight my whole life and have just recently come to the realization that I think that's one of my fears that is holding me back. I have no idea what I will be like. I have never been that person....ever. It's nice to know that even though they're your own personal feelings, that there are people out there who have also felt the same way.

    I don't know you - only from having watched you on tv over the years. But from watching your interview with Oprah, I could really tell that you finally felt healthy and free. Both physically and mentally. You were always beautiful and always will be.

    I'm really glad you were able to share that part of you with us. Thank you.

  11. Congratulations Star! Some people never make it to that "place."

  12. I just saw your interview on Oprah. I search until I found a way to contact you. I have to tell you that your interview was the most honest, intimate, and genuine interview that I have heard in a long time. I am sooooo very proud of you. You have really touched my heart in a special way. To see a sistah standing in truth, presenting her authentic self is an awesome thing. This is how I will always remember you. Thank you for demonstrating and paving the way.

    Luv ya,

  13. I just watched your interview with Oprah. I have to say, I was very impressed with how open you were and I'm sure your truth has affected more people than you realize. I have been a size 20+ since I was 18 as well and only recently began to try to change. (I will be 37 this year.) I first went to a weight management clinic where I live and they do a 16 week fast then on to eating healthier...all including exercise and doctor supervision, of course. That was too expensive for me so I went to my doctor who told me how to do it on my own. (He did suggest gastric bypass but my insurance wouldn't cover it.) I was doing very well, lost 6 pounds in one week, 11 pounds the first month but couldn't stay motivated. I then tried Weight Watchers. I say "tried" because I have been to the building where the meetings are held three times so far but the fear of opening myself up in front of anyone about my weight is crippling. I couldn't imagine what you went through being on national television.
    Well, this is all to say that you have inspired me not to give up and to keep going to those meetings until I can actually go in. (I'm sure it's not as scary as I think it is.)
    Thank you for sharing your story and take care.

  14. i am just catching up on the past oprah shows today...4/4/09. i thank you for your story, i relate to you, i love you, keep doing you. i would like to see you back on tv on a consistent basis please...i miss you.


Your comments are welcome as long as they are in keeping with the spirit of this blog. They must be positive about your life, your community, our nation or our world. They must elevate...not denigrate...and if you criticize me or my position...state your name and email address so I know who you are and can address you directly. My rules. Star