Star Jones

Star Jones
Have you met Miss Jones?


Keep it Moving...

Please don't link crap (gossip websites, trashy comments) to my blog. It will be deleted. My rules. Don't like it? Don't let the doorknob hit you where the good lord split you!


  1. Star, I love your blog and missed your updates and comments elsewhere. I agree - it's YOUR blog and you didn't have to share it with us. And those who are truly INTERESTED appreciated... others who have nothing better to do with their day or lives need to just click on another website link if they don't like you, your view point or those of your readers.

    You clearly stated the purpose was for you to not only express yourself, but for the communication shared to be positive and encouraging... I've always respected your view, and although at times I may not have agreed 100% I appreciate how you've conducted expressing it. THAT is why I will always frequent your blog each day, why its bookmarked on all my computers AND BB (LOL).

    People Star is human first. Why do people expect a robot celebrity who obviously has the brains to back her career to keep her mouth shut or to appease other negative thinkers... it's just a blog people. Either read it or don't. I am sure Star will live just as happy whether you like her or not.

  2. You're referring to the Flavorwire link that a user posted, and Flavorwire is not a gossip website. It's a cultural news blog that certainly someone who has passed the bar and is so wise and cultured would know about. Why doesn't Nancy Grace have a blog, damnit.

  3. AC1...Just because you call it "manure" doesn't keep it from being CRAP.

    News is defined as: "newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events" and culture is defined as "the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively"...Please!...Keep it Moving...

  4. Wow this blog is a chance for kids like us to argue with real live celebrities, well kinda. It's just a little sad that you have absolutely nothing better to do then monitor your blog and retort bloggers. Guess we all need something better to do with our unemployed free time.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Your comments are welcome as long as they are in keeping with the spirit of this blog. They must be positive about your life, your community, our nation or our world. They must elevate...not denigrate...and if you criticize me or my position...state your name and email address so I know who you are and can address you directly. My rules. Star