Star Jones

Star Jones
Have you met Miss Jones?


Wonderful Wednesday: Focus on Health

It is often said that as long as you have health the rest you can buy. It is true to the certain extent – good health is a basis of our normal life.

Your health is important, and a key to staying healthy is scheduling and having regular screening tests for cancer and other health conditions.

Screening tests can help find cancer in its early stages, or even detect pre-cancerous abnormalities before they spread. Finding cancer early improves your chances for successful treatment.

Another key to your health and the health of your loved ones is to have an adequate supply of blood available to hospitals. You never know when you or someone you love may be faced with a medical emergency and the need for blood. Give the gift of life and schedule a blood donation reminder.

To help you remember to schedule your regular screening tests and blood donations, the College of American Pathologists encourages you to sign up for an e-mail reminder today. You can choose any date you like, and a message will be sent to the e-mail address you specify reminding you to schedule your screening test and blood donation appointment. 

  • Blood donation reminder

  • Cholesterol test reminder

  • Colon cancer screening reminder

  • Diabetes test reminder

  • Mammogram reminder

  • Pap test reminder

  • Prostate cancer screening test reminder

  • Remember that taking care of yourself and the ones you love is all that really matters.

    1 comment:

    1. Star, your blog about health and the links for email was a wonderful idea! I have been suffering with graves disease and ignored it and stopped taking my meds for about weeks. Well as rare as thyroid storm is it happened to me. I 35 and it landed me in the hospital for 20 days and took 17 days for the dr's to figure out what it was. What i had can be and is fatal. I have three children 2 with special needs! Message is you have to take care of yourself be your own advocate!!!! I ended up at 97 pounds unable to walk and only 35 all because i wouldnt take a pill! I am so lucky I have God looking over me and he gave me a big wake up call! Take care of yourselves! God bless you Star!


    Your comments are welcome as long as they are in keeping with the spirit of this blog. They must be positive about your life, your community, our nation or our world. They must elevate...not denigrate...and if you criticize me or my position...state your name and email address so I know who you are and can address you directly. My rules. Star