Star Jones

Star Jones
Have you met Miss Jones?


Best Friends

Lot's of folk can claim to be your "best friend", but I can truly say that

“My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.”


  1. Hello.."Star..How are u ...long time fan here!..just stop by to show sum luv..hoping you would do the same..take care..peace,blessing...always.

  2. Hi Star, first of all gongratulation about yr 47:).I have to say that when i found your blog from Twitter,i have read yr blog and have pretty much same thoughts about life. I wish you still that positive thinking,love,peace and blessing in yr life.


Your comments are welcome as long as they are in keeping with the spirit of this blog. They must be positive about your life, your community, our nation or our world. They must elevate...not denigrate...and if you criticize me or my position...state your name and email address so I know who you are and can address you directly. My rules. Star